Where do Official Development Assistance's (ODA) grants go?

In this dashboard, you can choose a donor country to see income groups, countries and regions which it helps. 

For example, United States gives different types of grants for all African countries: 35% of all US' grants. A quarter of American grants goes to Asian countries. But the largest amount of the grant goes to Afghanistan. 

Moreover, in 2005 total amount of aid from the US is 3 times greater in comparison with 2000. 

The biggest sectors of US' ODA grants are always:

  • Education, Health, and Population
  • Other (Unspecified) Social Infrastructures and Services

To see the information mentioned above on the other country, select any donor country.

See also: AidEx Brussels 2017

आखरी अपडेट: 

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    कृपया पहले इन शॉर्टकट को हटाएं, फिर पृष्ठ स्वयं हट जाएँगे।