The G20 CPI provides a timely measure of inflation for the G20. In the future, the G20 CPI will become part of the regular OECD monthly News Release on CPI at around one month after the reference period.

Annual inflation in the G20 area was 3.0% in the year to August 2013, down from 3.2% in the year to July 2013.

The G20 CPI aggregate reflects diverging patterns among the world’s largest economies. IndiaArgentinaIndonesia andTurkey experienced the highest annual inflation rates (equal to or above 8.0%) in August 2013, while JapanFrance , Canadaand Italy had the lowest annual inflation rate (between 0.9% and 1.2%).

In August 2013, annual inflation slowed in Turkey (to 8.0%, down from 8.6% in July), the United States (to 1.5%, down from 2.0%), Germany (to 1.6%, down from 1.9%), and more moderately in the European Union (to 1.5%, down from 1.7%),Brazil (to 6.1%, down from 6.3%), India (to 10.7%, down from 10.8%) and China (to 2.6%, down from 2.7%). In contrast, annual inflation picked up in Indonesia (to 8.8%, up from 8.6%) and Japan (to 0.9%, up from 0.7%) while it remained stable in the Russian Federation (at 6.5%), South Africa (at 6.4%),Mexico (at 3.5%), and Italy (at 1.2%).

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