Ministry of Health, Cabo Verde

The Minister of Health and Safety, Arlindo do Rosario will attend the 68th Session of the Regional Committee of the World Health Organization (WHO) for Africa, which will take place from 27 to 31 August in Dakar, Senegal. The event, which will bring together Ministers of Health and senior officials from 47 African countries, explains Arlindo do Rosário will be an opportunity to discuss the health priorities of African countries, in line with WHO's key priorities. "The overall program of WHO is based on three key priorities: health care coverage, comprehensive health security and health promotion", the minister emphasizes, which is a program in which the government's own program of the Ministry of Health and Social Security are perfectly aligned. "We will give our full contribution, hoping that in fact this partnership that has been established not only with WHO but also with other African organizations, in particular the West African Health Organization, is an increasingly valid and fruitful partnership to Cape Verde, "adds the governor. It should be noted that the Regional Committee, composed of the ministers of health of the 47 Member States, is the Organization's Governing Body in the African Region. The Regional Committee aims to develop policies and approve the WHO Budget and Work Program in the African Region.

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    • जुलाई 2024
      Source: Ministry of Health, Cabo Verde
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      Accessed On: 09 अक्तूबर, 2024
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      Data cited at: Overall, the number of births attended by qualified professionals (doctors and nurses) in health structures has been decreasing since 2011, as shown in table 3.5. Between 2013 and 2015, there was a slight annual decrease of 0.7%, going from 9,745 to 9,602. It can be verified that this decrease is not registered in all the counties. It is clear that the councils with the most assistance of health professionals are those where there are central and regional hospitals.
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