On the whole, the European aircraft fleet can be positively characterized as constantly upgrading. Aircraft aged less than five years constitute the largest share of the total aircraft fleet. Sharp differences exist, however, among European countries. 

  • As of 2011, Germany had the second largest aircraft fleet in Europe and, at the same time, the oldest fleet. Twenty percent of the country's aircrafts were more than 20 years old, an increase from 17 percent of the fleet in 2010. The number of new aircraft in the fleet also grew from 2010 to 2011 but at a lower rate.
  • In contrast, the same year Turkey became the top country by new aircraft growth after adding 18 new aircraft to its fleet. Turkey's new aircraft fleet made up 8 percent of the total European new craft fleet.


OverviewPlane Crash Statistics | Air Passenger Market Analysis | Air Transport Traffic Data | Airline Companies | The European Aircraft Fleet

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