World Services Trade ranking profile provides import and export statistics up to the end of 2015 by country for services. Based on World Trade Organization (WTO) statistical data, in 2013, the US was world major exporter of services, the second place at this rating took the United Kingdom. Export's volume of this countries was $683 Billion for the US and $296 Billion for the UK respectively. The US was also the largest imports economy in the world after China in 2013. This data shows that trade experienced fairly strong growth from 1995 to 2001, followed by a boom from 2002 to 2008 accompanied by rising prices. Following the financial crisis in 2008, trade fell steeply in 2009 before rebounding strongly in 2010 and 2011. However, trade growth since then has been unusually weak, as WTO reported.



World Trade Rankings
World Commodity Trade Ranking | World Services Trade Ranking

Country Export Profiles
China | India | Canada | USA | Russia | Germany | Japan | France | UK | EU-27 | South Korea | Ghana | Pakistan | Brazil | Uganda | Export Profile

Country Import Profiles
China | India | Canada | USA | Russia | Germany | Japan | France | UK | EU-27 | South Korea | Ghana | Pakistan | Brazil | Uganda | Import Profile

Commodity Trade Profiles
Agricultural Products | Fuels | Iron and Steel | Chemicals | Pharmaceuticals | Machinery and Equipment | Textile | Clothing


Access Data: Foreign Trade

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    कृपया पहले इन शॉर्टकट को हटाएं, फिर पृष्ठ स्वयं हट जाएँगे।