
  • President:Paul Biya
  • Prime Minister:Joseph Ngute
  • Capital city:Yaounde
  • Languages:24 major African language groups, English (official), French (official)
  • Government
  • National statistics office
  • Population, persons:2,87,47,541 (2024)
  • Area, sq km:4,72,710
  • GDP per capita, US$:1,737 (2023)
  • GDP, billion current US$:49.3 (2023)
  • GINI index:42.2 (2021)
  • Ease of Doing Business rank:167

All datasets: E
  • E
    • फरवरी 2015
      Source: World Integrated Trade Solution
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 04 जनवरी, 2019
      Select Dataset
      The Export of Value Added (EVA) dataset illustrates the strength of economy- wide linkages. It provides data on how value added structures and services linkages to trade have evolved over time. Thanks to repeated updating of the GTAP dataset, we have data for both cross border linkages in recent years, and how these have changed since the early 1990s. This serves as the basis for the database, which builds on Christen, Francois, and Hoekman (2012) and Francois, Manchin, and Tomberger (2012). We work with a panel of global input-output data (a set of global social accounting matrices spanning intermittent years from 1992 to 2011) that covers not only key OECD economies, but also a range of developing countries as well. Sector_GMatrix:  This matrix contains the total domestic value added based on linkages. Depending whether rows or columns are considered its sum corresponds to forward (row) or backward (colunn) linkages. Thus reading a row for a given sector (sector presented on the y-axis) provides information about how much this sector went into each sector (on the x-axis) as inputs DomVAshare: This vector denotes the domestic share of value added of gross value of output per sector. GXshare: Denotes the share of each sector in total exports per country based on the gross value of exports. DXshare: Denotes the share of each sector’s exports of total exports per country based on direct value added, ignoring linkages. VXsharefwd: Denotes the total value added in exports based on forward linkages per sector and country. VXsharebwd: Denotes the total value added in exports based on backward linkages. It is obtained by taking the column-sums of matrix H.