U.S. Department of the Treasury

The U.S. Department of the Treasury's mission is to maintain a strong economy and create economic and job opportunities by promoting the conditions that enable economic growth and stability at home and abroad, strengthen national security by combating threats and protecting the integrity of the financial system, and manage the U.S. Government’s finances and resources effectively. The Department of the Treasury is organized into two major components the Departmental offices and the operating bureaus. The Departmental Offices are primarily responsible for the formulation of policy and management of the Department as a whole, while the operating bureaus carry out the specific operations assigned to the Department. Our bureaus make up 98% of the Treasury work force. The basic functions of the Department of the Treasury include: Managing Federal finances; • Collecting taxes, duties and monies paid to and due to the U.S. and paying all bills of the U.S.; • Currency and coinage; • Managing Government accounts and the public debt; • Supervising national banks and thrift institutions; • Advising on domestic and international financial, monetary, economic, trade and tax policy; • Enforcing Federal finance and tax laws; • Investigating and prosecuting tax evaders, counterfeiters, and forgers.

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    • मार्च 2023
      Source: U.S. Department of the Treasury
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 13 मार्च, 2025
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      The data in this table include foreign holdings of U.S. Treasury marketable and non-marketable bills, bonds, and notes reported monthly under the Treasury International Capital (TIC) reporting system. The data are collected primarily from U.S.-based custodians. Since U.S. securities held in overseas custody accounts may not be attributed to the actual owners, the data may not provide a precise accounting of individual country ownership of Treasury securities (see TIC FAQ #7 at: http://www.treasury.gov/resource-center/data-chart-center/tic/Pages/ticfaq1.aspx). -- Data for December 2011 and later include holdings of U.S. Treasury bonds and notes as reported on TIC Form SLT, "Aggregate Holdings of Long-Term Securities by U.S. and Foreign Residents.", including preliminary SLT data for the most recent month on the MFH table. -- The data before December 2011 were collected primarily from U.S.-based custodians and broker-dealers. Those data includes estimated foreign holdings of U.S. Treasury bonds and notes based on adding monthly net transactions from the TIC S Form to the holdings in the most recent annual Survey of Foreign Holdings of U.S. Securities. See footnotes 16 and 17 for details about the transition period during the 3rd and 4th quarter of 2011.