Statistics South Africa

Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) is a national government department responsible for the production and coordination of official and other statistics to assist organs of state, business and the public in evidence-based decisions for planning, policy development and measurement governed by the Statistics Act (Act No. 6 of 1999). National Statistical Authority to inform stakeholders on the economy and society by Collecting, compiling and disseminating a wide range of economic, social and population statistics; Developing and maintaining databases for national statistics on businesses and enumeration areas; and Liaising with other countries and statistical agencies as well as representing Stats SA and South Africa in statistical activities internationally. The National Statistical Coordinator, to promote coordination amongst producers of official and other statistics in order to advance quality, comparability and optimum use of official statistics and to avoid duplication by: Formulating quality criteria and establishing standards, classifications and procedures; Providing statistical advice; and Promoting a public culture of measurement.

All datasets: C
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    • जनवरी 2025
      Source: Statistics South Africa
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 25 फरवरी, 2025
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      This release contains results of the monthly Survey of Consumer (Retail) Prices. The purpose of the survey is to collect and provide information regarding changes in the overall level of prices of all goods and services bought by the average household. This publication contains the CPI (Inflation) rates. The P0141 contains information on all urban areas and the Additional tables contains information for provinces, Primary urban areas, Secondary urban areas and rural areas. Average prices are calculated from data surveyed for the compilation of the consumer price index (CPI). Of the 412 items in the current CPI basket, 162 are included in the list of average prices. Selected items have average prices for two different sizes.