Kusini Pemba Region
- Regional commissioner:Ms Mwanajuma Majid Abdalla
Regional website:No data
Languages:Swahili and English
Land area (sq.km):332 (2012)
Total Agricultural Area(ha):30,465 (2012)
Estimated Water Demand (cubic meters):No data
Max. Temperature, Mean Value (°C):No data
Electricity Sold (Gwh):No data
Agricultural Household Members:1,78,382 (2008)
Industry: Gross Value Added (Tshs. Million):No data
Population (persons):1,95,116 (2012)
Population Density (person/sq.km):588 (2012)
Urban Population (%):22.2 (2006)
Employment (persons):No data
New Workers Recruited (persons):No data
Life Expectancy at Birth, Male:63 (2017)
Life Expectancy at Birth, Female:64 (2017)
Total Fertility Rate (persons per woman):7.4 (2017)
Under Five Mortality Rate (deaths/1000 live births):77.0 (2017)
Total Employment, Public Sector
Total Employment, Private Sector
New Workers Recruited
Currently Employed, Women
Currently Employed, Men
Not Employed, Men
Not Employed, Women
Occupation, Skilled Manual, Women
Occupation, Unskilled manual, Women
Occupation, Domestic service, Women
Occupation, Agriculture, Women
Occupation, Skilled Manual, Men
Occupation, Unskilled manual, Men
Occupation, Domestic service, Men
Occupation, Agriculture, Men
Vital Rates
Education Attained, Female
Education Attained, Male
Mean Years to complete Educational Attainment, Female
Mean Years to complete Educational Attainment, Male
Women attained highest level of school
Men attained highest level of school
Percentage of Literate, Men
Percentage of Literate, Women
Not Educated, Male
Not Educated, Female
Some Primary Education, Male
Some Primary Education, Female
Completed Secondary Education, Male
Completed Secondary Education, Female
Gender Parity Index, GAR, Primary School
Gender Parity Index, GAR, Secondary School