Default composition: 44 Barley, 45 Pot Barley, 46 Barley Pearled, 49 Malt, 50 Malt Extract; nutrient data only: 47 Bran of Barley, 48 Barley Flour and Grits
तिथि | मान | बदले , % |
2022 | 49 | 22.50% |
2021 | 40 | 17.65% |
2020 | 34 | -45.16% |
2019 | 62 | 10.71% |
2018 | 56 | 0.00% |
2017 | 56 | -1.75% |
2016 | 57 | 3.64% |
2015 | 55 | 3.77% |
2014 | 53 | -3.64% |
2013 | 55 | -1.79% |
2012 | 56 | 9.80% |
2011 | 51 |