Direct nonresident trademark applications

7,428 (number) in 2019

Trademark applications filed are applications to register a trademark with a national or regional Intellectual Property (IP) office. Direct nonresident trademark applications are those filed by applicants from abroad directly at a given national IP office.

तिथि मान बदले , %
2019 7,428 0.08%
2018 7,422 7.32%
2017 6,916 2.34%
2016 6,758 0.60%
2015 6,718 2.14%
2014 6,577 3.07%
2013 6,381 3.59%
2012 6,160 7.02%
2011 5,756 -7.30%
2010 6,209 11.43%
2009 5,572 -26.14%
2008 7,544