Trademark applications filed are applications to register a trademark with a national or regional Intellectual Property (IP) office. Direct resident trademark applications are those filed by domestic applicants directly at a given national IP office.
तिथि | मान | बदले , % |
2019 | 68,291 | 3.97% |
2018 | 65,686 | -2.64% |
2017 | 67,470 | 3.33% |
2016 | 65,293 | 0.05% |
2015 | 65,263 | 3.55% |
2014 | 63,027 | 10.48% |
2013 | 57,049 | 0.59% |
2012 | 56,714 | -6.43% |
2011 | 60,614 | -7.48% |
2010 | 65,516 | -0.31% |
2009 | 65,723 | -6.22% |
2008 | 70,082 |